Castle Ren Building / Landmark in Vandariel | World Anvil
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Castle Ren

The ancestral home of the Ford royal family, Ren Castle is an immense monolith that can be seen from many miles away. Crafted of solid black granite, the castle has a menacing air to it, resembling nothing more than a solid black wall of stone that sits across the Ren river like a squatting toad even as it reaches to the sky with numerous turrets and towers scattered across its otherwise flat surface.   Despite its storied history as a beacon of hope and protection for the people of Fordren, it was not built by the hands of those who claim it. It is said that thousands of years hence, the very first kings of Fordren, the wandering clansmen that they were, came across the immense building and discovered it empty, presumably abandoned. Who could have crafted it is a mystery to historians, as there is no record of another civilisation having existed on the eastern half of Andaria, and the only object that was found in the castle proper was a single ring crafted of pure silver and bearing only a simple smooth jade for decoration.   The castle itself is considered impenetrable - the walls are twice as thick as any average castle, and are speculated to have been created by magical means, as there are no seams or traditional "bricks" to cause weakness - the entire structure almost seems to be crafted from a single block of stone. Underneath the castle proper is a maze of tunnels that prevent easy entrance from the river that runs directly beneath, and within the main halls it is rumoured that there are so many secret rooms and tunnels that one is never safe from prying eyes within the walls.    The castle is often referred to as simply Rencastle, and this descriptor also includes the small grounds that surround it on either side of the Ren.
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