DesDes Character in Urskoga | World Anvil


Most times I don't even want to know what the meaning of it all is...
— Des
Dennis Karlsson was born to an interpreter and a teacher during 1991 in Göteborg. Both of his parents are non-native Dragon and Dennis is a first generation earth dragon. He has several siblings but all of them were dead by the time Dennis was born. His parents are several thousand years old.   At the age of 21, Dennis started dating a girl dragon on and off and when he turned 28 she wanted them to move to Umeå together. He did as she wanted. Their life together had its ups and downs. Dennis hid his distress with his favorite computer game.   In 2023 Dennis, or DesDes to his friends, fled his relationship to a small town named Urskoga to spend time with his online friend.  


As a dragon DesDes has natural hoarding instincts. Generally, dragons obsess over one type of object. However, DesDes has spread his hoarding tendencies out over several items. DesDes has collected rings since they were little, sunglasses since they were a teenager and hoodies, cups and stickers since they were an adult.  


Des' girlfriend only wanted them to hang out with her friends and since her family was originally from Umeå she already had friends while Des had none. Des liked some of her friends but not most of them. He still managed to make friends with a person online that he kept from his girlfriend. Des and his friend play an online game called Widdrim.


The girlfriend didn't want to interact with Des' but wanted him to hang out with her family, which left him with less time to spend with family. Which meant that his parents and their relatives were pretty much shut out from his life as well. He did manage to keep in contact with one of his cousins since they also played the same game as Des and his friend.


DesDes is an introvert that still enjoys spending time with people. Not in big groups but with a select group of friends. Right now he is not happy where he is but that will change.


Des used to have long hair, use make up and dress in feminine clothes as he does not agree with gender norms. He wants to do that again but his girlfriend did not agree with this.


Right now Des is motivated to change the circumstances of his life, but he is still not sure how to change it. He got pushed into the wall and decided to flee. Which might or might not have been the right decision.


Des enjoys clothes and used to sew them himself before, he also enjoys makeup and playing computer games. He's interested in anime and manga but never got into it. His girlfriend wants him to do sports which he does enjoy.
Place of birth
February 21st, 1991
Current location
High school + work education
He/him they/them
Favorite food
Sexual orientation
Theme songs
Click here
Romantic orientation


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