Forest Character in Ultimus | World Anvil
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Sargeant Forest (a.k.a. Freyja)

Forest is a young and quiet lady of average height and weight for people where she's from.

Pre-Flower Girls


Forest was, ironically born into a nomadic tribe of forest people in Southern Union, and would regularly migrate from certain parts of the forest at certain times in the year. At some point in her early childhood years, both of her parents were killed in a hunt related accident, despite this she maintained a happy childhood as her grandparents took her in until the start of her teenage years.

School and Volur

Forest was determined to go to a stationary school and happened to find out about a brand new small specialized institute that was only a few days worth of travel from her tribe's current location. A few weeks after she initially enrolled in the institute she received an offer to join a small and secretive 'extracurricular' group under the direction of the institute's headmaster. This group, dubbed Volur, would include four total members each with a codename and specialized area of interest. Forest was the youngest of the group and went by Frejya, her specialized area was mechanics and vehicles and she received the same training as the rest of the members. Volur remained as a group until Forest was eighteen, which gave them one year with all the members out of school to spend more focused on missions that before.

After School

After Volur disbanded Forest began to take odd jobs as a way to make money that she would send most of to her tribe for trade purposes. One of these jobs was to act a security for the debut show of on upcoming musician Loni Ray; in the middle of the concert a group of rowdy boys attempted to attack Loni, Forest acted quickly but she remained heavily outnumbered and was at a disadvantage. This was true until a mysterious figure came out of nowhere, dressed in all white, who helped knock out the boys and take control of the situation, this figure would later go by Songbird.   When Songbird began to pick up momentum in social media with their acts of vigilantism, Forest was always there to express her gratitude for the concert situation and show support. Soon Annigan, a fellow member of Volur, would contact Forest and offer to introduce her to Songbird and her network of allies, to which Forest would eagerly accept. It didn't take long for the two, after their initial introductions, to get acquainted with one another to the point that Songbird even revealed their true identity to Forest and they sealed in an alliance and friendship.  

In Flower Girls So Far

Forest doesn't appear in the first chapter of Flower Girls until the end when it is mentioned that she is Annigan's old teammate and could use their history with each other as an excuse to visit the City of Mourn with Lilith Siah and scout out more information on the mysterious new group in town.
The first chapter of Flower Girls will be posted in full in the next week or so!
Current Location
Year of Birth
5694 NW 22 Years old
dark brown, titlted
Dark Brown, Curly Fro
182 lbs

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