Caliburn Item in Torandielle | World Anvil
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Caliburn is the sword in the stone, placed there and enchanted by Uther Pendragon, the last king of the formerly unified, world-spanning kingdom of Albion. After a natural disaster left the world devastated, the kingdom fragmented and eventually fell apart.  The remains of Albion was finally invaded and destroyed many, many years ago. On its final day, King Uther fought valiantly to repel the invaders, but eventually fell. Before he died, rather than allow them to gain his enchanted sword, he drove it into a stone and cast a dying spell on both that only the true king of Albion would be able to pull the sword from the stone. And there it has remained for centuries, waiting for the true king, who many believe will never come.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Aside from the obvious 'pointy end goes in the other guy' purpose of a sword, it's also said to be unbreakable. Whether or not that is true, no one has ever dared to test it.  It's also rumored to be enchanted in some way, but no one has ever been able to figure out how.

Manufacturing process

Expert blacksmithing techniques and goldwork.


Caliburn is the sword of the last king of the fallen kingdom of Albion. It was part of the royal regalia of Albion
Item type
Weapon, Melee
Current Location
Owning Organization
Caliburn is unique. It's the only one of its kind. It was specifically designed for the royal regalia of the kingdom of Albion.
35 inches
Base Price
Raw materials & Components
Caliburn was constructed of the finest steel, with gold inlaid filigree on the hilt and down the blade. A large ruby is set as the pommel.
The tools required to make this item are standard blacksmith's tools, such as a bellows, a forge, anvil and hammer, etc, as well as whatever tools a goldsmith would use, along with the tools for attaching the ruby.

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