The Magic of Thrae Physical / Metaphysical Law in Thrae | World Anvil
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The Magic of Thrae

Thrae's magic has always been known to be rather chaotic in terms of the natural world; the way magic interfered with the seas and the skies led to various disasters, especially when magic first returned at the end of the Age of Darkness. When magic first returned to the world and physical plane of existence, there was nothing for it to latch onto -- no holders to bond to and certainly no worshipers to be gifted to. No god had even woke from their eternal slumber, but one single primordial did. When humanity began to kill Earth with its pollution and abuse of her natural resources, something stirred Gaia and magic deemed itself necessary to return.   In a vile act of revenge against the people that harmed the planet, magic coursed through the veins of the Earth's crust, turning rivers gold and salt water fresh. Flowers bloomed in the desert and trees began to grow in the Arctic. Freshwater lakes began to acidify and become saline in nature. Magic flipped the very laws of nature when it returned. Things that should never have been possible became possible, introducing a new era to Thrae -- that of which was called the Age of Awakening.   However, there came great tragedy with the reintroduction of magic. Those who were weaker to it -- those who couldn't handle it -- perished in golden flame. Those of greedy heart and corrupt minds slowly flaked away back to the crusts of the planet ffor the sins they committed -- slowly killing them like the way they killed the earth. Thrae rose not only through magical power, but through an exchange of life. Similar to the nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the days of yore, people, lands, and entire civilizations, simply evaporated into nothing.   Many people perished in the rebirth of magic, but those who survived proved themselves to be great. Even those who were on the brink of death, but had shown a prowess of skill in this new world, survived. Great heroes that saved people from fire and death were given immunity, given strength, and dominion over them. Elemental powers flowed into the veins of humanity and many were transformed. Those who became one with magic turned into fae, and humanity faced a great divide as few survived as 'mundane'. Though there are still humans and other races who do not wield magic, they all have the potential to.    Magic is might, and those who survive it may wield it with great power.   Gods rose from the sleeping planes of existence far beyond what remained of Earth and the land twisted into that of Thrae. Countries grew a weak amount of sentience -- but an amount of sentience nonetheless -- with a desire to restart, and so they plunged themselves under the seas and rapidly smashed against each other to create new mountain ranges and valleys of land as a demented Pangaea was reformed.     Magic plays by the rule of emotions in Thrae, it solely relies on the individual's willpower, their desire and dedication, their very dreams. Thrae is bustling with magic, a live electricity that feeds into people, can be given to people, and as such, stolen from people. The one rule of magic is that magic has no rules.


Magic in Thrae is naturally a golden color; it is the color of immortal blood, the color of the undying sun, and it is the color of life itself.


Magic is rampant in Thrae, but it is even more powerful in the country of Arcane, where magic was reborn.
Metaphysical, Arcane

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