Poop Smith Profession in Thormose | World Anvil
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Poop Smith

The time honored Poop Smith has been a vital part of all civilized societies. For without them, the streets and and cattle sheds would overflow and bring festering disease. Although most people in society turn their noses to one whose occupation involves cleaning waste, not just for the smell, but for the work they see as demeaning. It is a lowly position that does not often pay very well, but vital nonetheless. They are the ones who turn cow dung into fertilizer for the fields, often being thanked from afar. They swab the cobbled streets allowing fair maidens to don their dress and walk without fear.   Even the those who work as Poop Smiths have dreams. Becoming a smith within a larger city means you made it. Those daring will depart their small town or farms to make it big in the larger cities. Local bath houses, theaters, and horse circuses are sought after for the prestigious settings. One wouldn't start at one of these locations though. It must be earned within the dirty corridors of city life. Minor guilds are constantly hiring, as cities expand they need more people. Other can't take the pressure or work anymore and depart unceremoniously. If one is able to put the time and effort in it will be noticed. This isn't enough to transfer to a wanted station. These positions are held by those that also put their time in and normally only leave after passing or if they are physically unable to.   To choose to become a Poop Smith is a choice that not anyone would make. It is a laborious experience, the work never stops. The general public does not even think about the process, but the Poop Smith knows it all to well. Next time you see your local Poop Smith, spare him a coin, but don't put it in his bucket, he needs that for work.

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