Ath Velanis Building / Landmark in Thedas | World Anvil
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Ath Velanis

Ath Velanis is a fortress in Seheron.

Purpose / Function

When Ath Velanis was built, it was used by Malgorthios the Black in order to sacrifice screaming women to the Old Gods  Centuries later, this fortress housed madmen, demons, and the Fraternity of the Grinning Abomination.   Eventually, it fell into ruin until Aurelian Titus chose it as his headquarters. In addition to its strategic value, the fortress also served as a prison and a place for magical experimentation.    The Qunari once assaulted Alth Velanis at the command of their newest Arishok. It is unknown what caused the Qunari to take up arms against Aurelian Titus, but rumor has it Ferelden King Alistair Theirin was involved in this battle as well.

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