Napple Harvest Tradition / Ritual in Theatrum | World Anvil
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Napple Harvest

The streets of Dartai, lined with lights and streamers blur with a hazy glow. Shapes and shadows breath within the crowded alleys, while half closed lids hide dilated pupils. Furs wiggle, leather morphs, and unknown voices whisper at those in the quite courtyard to rest for a while but never stop moving.
  "Never had i known a true party until the festival of Napples in the country of FuGlen." -unknown.   "The joys of a Napple Pie should be cheered over with a pint of cold ale with your friend with the longest beard. No matter your conversations, his hairs will keep you entertained till the nights end." - unknown.


Since the beginning of time, halflings and gnomes have been known to enjoy their parties and will take any small event and turn it into a celebration. The vast harvest of Napples, is no exception.    Napples were known as a poisonous berry, one with flesh that would put any person into fitful deep sleep, and cores that energize beyond restraint. It was only a matter of time before the peoples of FuGlen discovered the combination of the two effects.


After a week long harvesting of Napples, the peoples of FuGlen will begin to focus their entire lives on the systematic organization and preparation of the festivals. Blacksmith forges are turned to ovens, carpenters harmers used for crushing Napple cores, and every open hand is put to work. All but the near dying sit upon their stools to sort out the cores from the flesh of the berries, while more experienced members begin to prepare their furnaces and cooking pots. Once sorted, the pits are crushed into a powder or paste for later baking use, usually turned into crusts or breads. The flesh of the berries are mixed with sugars and used for fillings or jams.   Twenty four hours before the beginning of the festival, all of Fuglen falls to fasting. This is to make the effects of Napples more intense and pronounced. At dusk on Festival Day, the first of the Napple Pies areconsumed. By the time the sun has fully set, almost all of FuGlen will be in a state of disoriented visions and unpronounceable speech.

Components and tools

The Napple berry is the key component to the celebration of harvest. The red cherry sized berries are poisoned, causing the consumer to fall into a deep fitful sleep, while the cores are filled with intense caffeine. After harvested, the core and flesh of the berries are separated and used in multiple different pastries and meals that cause varying psychotic effects. The most common ingestion of the fruit is in a pie; with the crust being made of the crush core, and the berries providing the filling.


Every member of society, no matter age, class, or race, is involved in the celebration of Napple Harvests. From picking the fruits, sorting the flesh and cores, baking the crusts, decorating the squares, everyone has a place and job.   The governors of FuGlen highly recommend that the consumption of Napples delicacies to be reserved for those of antiquate age and health, however their requirements as such are purposely vague.


This festival occurs after the week-long harvest of Napples across the county side of FuGlen. The peoples of FuGlen have the blooming dates of Napples down to a science and the Festivals occur on the same day every year.
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