Vinhur's Assassins Organization in The Snip-Snap Scrapbook | World Anvil
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Vinhur's Assassins


Assassination Organizer - Seen as the "leader" in a way. They match the guild's assassins with clients depending on skills.
Founder - While this title is seen as nearly useless, a Founder who is an assassin charges more and a Founder who has left the guild and is asking a favor may either get a discount on the price or get a free service. It pays to be "close friends."
Receiver - They receive contracts from Clients, and give them to the Assassination Organizer. They may also double with a different job, as a cover to hide the guild. They are the only face that the Clients see.
Assassin - Assassins are the workers of the guild. They make up a major part of the guild and there are various types based on particular skill sets.
  • Shadow Assassin - Shadow Assassins are stealthier assassins. Stereotypically, they use daggers and bows, prefer to fulfill their contract at night or when the shadows are in full force, depending on the location, and they are seen a light-footed.
  • Toxic Assassin - Toxic Assassins have no set perceived stealth. Rather, they are commonly seen making potions, toxins, and poisons to use against their target. They may also coat their weapons in these toxins.
  • Warrior Assassin - Warrior Assassins are not very stealthy, and instead rely on stronger, more powerful weapons to defeat their contract target easier.
  • Ranger Assassin - Ranger Assassins prefer to use bows and sniping weapons and be at a distance from their target. They are the most patient assassin, often stereotyped to waiting hours or days on end for their target to be in the perfect position.
  • Mage Assassins - Mage Assassins tend to use magic, either spells, charms, rites, or others ways that they may magically harm their target.
Client - The clients are those that come to the Receivers to open a contract.
Target - Targets are the target of a client's contract and they are the prey of the assassins.

Public Agenda

Vinhur's Assassins offer a service that is considered quite devilish, but many a people do not wish to get their hands dirtied.


It is unclear when the organization begin, but it is speculated that there were small, unofficial groups of assassins that worked before FEE. It can be assumed that some of these groups slowly began banding together into larger masses. However, laws on others planets may have stamped any use for assassinations, while Vinhur's corruption may have encouraged such use. Eventually, the largest group dominated the field of assassination, and adopted the name it was given.

In Relation to the Thieves of the Eldritch

Vinhur's Assassins are in alliance to the Thieves of the Eldritch. They are a part of the Hunting Branch.
Guild, Assassins
Related Professions

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