The Big Brother Geographic Location in The Shindusian Empire | World Anvil
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The Big Brother

The planet Tegrang is orbited by two moons. The smaller and father away one is referred to as Te Suchur in Shindusian, which roughly translates to The Big Brother. Although it is technically a moon, to the naked eye it appears to be a very bright star that moves through the sky. In Shindus, The Two Brothers are the key players in their fairy tales about the origin of the world. In the stories, the Two Brother's were the children of Tegrang who pledged themselves to protect Tegrang from the darkness at the edge of the world. Lin Suchur, The Little Brother, stands guard over Tegrang as the last line of defense while Te Suchur ventures off on his own to fight back the darkness.   In Shindus, it is believed that The Big Brother has a strong spiritual connection with soldiers and protectors, so when it is in the night sky it is believed that those who are fighting the righteous fight will be guaranteed success. This effect is believed to be particularly powerful on nights where the Little Brother eclipses the Big Brother, as the two are unified briefly.   It was long believed that the Big Brother, despite being smaller visually than the Little Brother, was actually the larger of the two because of those old stories. However, the 15th representative of Bamalion presented a theory that has since become widely accepted as fact, in an extremely controversial move because of how it contradicted the mythological understanding of the two, that the Big Brother is roughly half the size of the Little Brother. Although that was only recently proven in the modern mindset, it is theorized that the Dujukans had a highly advanced understanding of astronomy and the actual scale of the two, but that knowledge was lost in The Great Calamity.
Planetoid / Moon

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