Silver Cobalt Material in The Shindusian Empire | World Anvil
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Silver Cobalt

Silver Cobalt is a pearlescent blue mineral mined in the mountain ranges that border Shindus to the north. In its naturally occurring form, it is found in large opaque crystal formations that frequently appear in geodes or caves, although they are capable of being melted down and cast, taking on a form much like silver tinted deep blue. It was first discovered in Shindus by the 3rd representative of Dorelion as their miracle to prove their validity as a representative.   Silver Cobalt is largely used for two purposes. The first is decorative, as jewelry and ornaments made from it are incredibly beautiful and highly sought after. They have even become somewhat of a status symbol, particularly in their crystalline form, as Silver Cobalt is quite rare and using it for an item that does not serve a functional purpose shows a certain amount of wealth and influence. The second purpose is as a conduit for enchanting. Silver Cobalt is incredibly receptive to magical energy, so it is frequently built into other items to help them accept more powerful magic more easily. This doubles back into its role as a status symbol, as even if its not decorative, only people in fairly prominent positions will have items enchanted using Silver Cobalt.   This has become so extreme that even just the color blue has become synonymous with wealth, although it also shares association with the Calamity. Those that have Silver Cobalt tools will flaunt them and will usually have clothes tailored to accent or match them. Higher wealth districts of large cities will also have magical streetlights made with Silver Cobalt that give off a slight blue hue, so that those parts of the city will be referred to as Blue Light Districts and other such euphemisms.

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