The Coven of Baast Organization in The Seventh System | World Anvil
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The Coven of Baast

"Now, my kitlings, many might have underestimated Her, even forgotten that She ever existed, but us cats, we do not forget, for we know that no other God has ever padded through as many worlds as our beloved Baast the Wanderer..."  
  The Coven of Baast is the largest religion of the Hecatean Cats and usually the one people associate with these mystical residents of The Wandering Moon Hecate. While full-blooded Hecatean Cats rarely leave their home moon, The Coven of Baast is also followed by their half-blooded descendants, Half Hecatean Cat, thus making it known even to those who have never visited Hecate.

Mythology & Lore

According to teaching of the Coven of Baast, Baast the Wanderer was the first cat to arrive at the world of Seven Systems, back when it wasn't really a system at all but a world seed in the midst of forming and thus, a place full of magic and wonder - but also danger and chaos. But Baast was as brave as she was curious and wanted to see the creation of a new world through, and while the Old Gods continued their work on the Seven Systems, she created herself a lair that would become the Wandering Moon Hecate, so that she could study it all the way only a cat could.

But the world being born was so vast that even Baast with her sharp eyes could not keep an eye on it all. It was then she created the first Hecatean Cats, so that they could scatter far and wide and come back to her to report what they had seen. And before she sent her cats all around the forming world, she touched their foreheads with one gentle claw, and where she touched, a third eye opened. And from that day on, the Hecatean Cats have been able to see what no-one else can.

For eons, the Hecatean Cats told Baast everything they saw, and Baast was happy. But when the creation came to an end and the world was ready, she started to feel the familiar, almost painful tug of her wanderlust again, as it was not her faith to remain in one place for too long. And that is when she left, to oversee the next creation somewhere else, but before leaving, she gave her Hecatean Cats the duty to watch over the newborn world, as no world could survive without cats. And some day, she would sent her Chosen One to reclaim her cats and bring them back to her, so that she could show them the world that was their true home.

Tenets of Faith

Watching over the world is a sacred duty that was given to the Hecatean Cats by Baast the Wanderer herself. Thus, Hecatean Cats have taken to it to their heart to perfect the art of divination. Everything they do is build around this belief.


The sacred duty is carried out by priestesses, who start their training from kittenhood. Black cats are believed to have a special calling towards priesthood.    

Religious, Coven
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