Conjunction of the Qu'arlë Tradition / Ritual in The Seven Quäenaï | World Anvil
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Conjunction of the Qu'arlë

The Conjunction of the Qu'arlë is a celestial event that only occurs once in many lifetimes. For some inexplicable reason, the conjunction only occurs at the same time that an important event is happening. Elven astronomers try and predict when the conjunctions will occur, and when they are right, every single elf in the Seven Kingdoms watches the event, which is the two celestial bodies Ardua and Tárëis coming as close to each other as they ever will do. The two together are given the collective name the Qu'arlë. The only conjunction of the Qu'arlë to occur in the Third Age of Irëduin was on the seventh of Ilthrir, 2763. The only other thing of significance to happen on this day had dramatic repucussions for Irëduin, and the Seven Kingdoms as a whole: On the seventh of Ilthrir, 2763, Rusalye Würani was brought to Irëduin.   When the elven populace gathers to celebrate the Conjunction of the Qu'arlë, they really celebrate. The Conjunction is one of their most popular festivals, even though so long passes between occurences. When it occurs, they have large parties, with food and drink, games, competitions, and stargazing points. The elves use magic to harness the light from the Qu'arlë in lanterns, which they then hang around their dwelling places. The purer the light in their lantern, the stronger magically an elf is considered. It is customary that everyone who comes to the festival bring a work of art to contribute, whether it is food and drink, a painting, a carving, a poem, or something else. However, it was advised to not use magic to create these works of art. The festival starts hours before the actual Conjunction, and when the Qu'arlë grow as close as they would, fireworks are set off in all the colours. Some elves play music at this time, and most dance.   In the Eighth Age, when the Seven Kingdoms were liberated from the oppresive grip of Deathwatch, the celebrations for the Conjunction at that time were even more elaborate than had ever been. The elves continued to celebrate the Conjunction of the Qu'arlë, and do even to this day.

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