Black Maw Khalameet Character in The Remnants | World Anvil
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Black Maw Khalameet

Black Maw Khalameet, looms as a towering figure in the annals of draconic lore within Faerun, a realm steeped in ancient mysteries and dark prophecies. In a world of grave danger and ruinous power, Khalameet stands as the apex predator, the culmination of thousands of years of draconic evolution and warfare.   Faerun bears witness to Khalameet’s legendary exploits, from his pivotal role in the cataclysmic War in Heaven to his enduring influence over the land during his prolonged slumber. Tales of Khalameet’s immense size and fearsome power echo through the ages, with legends recounting how he used mountains as footrests and blotted out the sun as he soared over cities.   Despite the passage of centuries, Khalameet’s absence has not diminished his hold over the realm. In fact, his enigmatic presence only seems to grow stronger with each passing year. Though he has not been witnessed in over a hundred years, the mere mention of his name strikes fear into the hearts of even the bravest adventurers.   Khalameet’s influence extends beyond mere physical prowess. It is whispered that he lays claim to slect children while they still rest in their mothers womb. These children are born with innate sorcerous magic and features reminiscent of the dragons of old, and are known as the Children of the Black Maw. These children are revered as inheritors of Khalameet’s legacy, wielding sorcerous powers that far surpass even those of other natural born Sorcerors.   As the last dragon in existence, Khalameet stands as a symbol of both awe and dread, his presence a constant reminder of the fragile balance between the forces of good and evil. In the eyes of many, he is the honored one, the ultimate survivor who has endured through the ages above all of creation.   Though his current whereabouts remain unknown, those who remain await the day when Khalameet shall rise once more, his awakening heralding untold chaos and destruction. Until then, his legend endures as a testament to the power and majesty of dragons in a world teetering on the brink of darkness.

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