Dread Scar Condition in The Penumbra Chronicles | World Anvil
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Dread Scar

A maligned, feared, and awe developing condition that is contracted from prolonged contact with the ore called Dreadium. Dread Scar often manifests as easily noticeable pitch-black scar tissue that develops after initial acute exposure to Dreadium. Dread Scar is also guaranteed to develop if one is wounded by an object crafted out of Dreadium, such as a weapon. Individuals that present with Dread Scar generally only have five to thirty years of life left, before the disease kills them. Despite this death sentence, the afflicted find their magical power amplified considerably, which has resulted in some intentionally seeking exposure to the disease.

Transmission & Vectors

Dread Scar is primarily transmitted through inhalation of dust that fills the air when interacting with the ore, Dreadium. The physical handling and/or mining of Dreadium often results in particles flaking off the ore and filling the nearby air with a fine dust. This dust is not always visible, but if enough dust accumulates in the air, the air can take on an ominous black and grey tinged that is considered a lethal indication of Dreadium dust and the Dread Scar disease. Merely touching Dreadium ore does not result in guaranteed transmission of the disease unless the handling of the ore results in some kind of injury or wound that results in blood. Such injuries can result from the jagged nature of naturally mined Dreadium ore, or from the ore being forged into weapons.


Immediate symptoms upon contracting the disease manifests as an acute and escalating headache. The next symptom, progressing a week after the headaches subside, are multiple painful sores that appear randomly across the body. If the disease is contracted by an open wound, the wound takes on a maligned and blackened appearance. These sores and wounds remain active for a week before the pain subsides and they appear to begin to heal. The final symptom is the namesake of the disease, hard and noticeable pitch-black scar tissue that develops over the sores and wounds. These scars remain until death.    A secondary symptom of Dread Scar, that develops after the initial headaches subside, is the immense amplification of latent magical talents. Those who only have a minor understanding of magics are able to wield them like a well-seasoned and practice arcanist after becoming afflicted by Dread Scar. Those who were trained before or during their affliction can wield immense magical power for whatever purpose the afflicted desires. It is believe this secondary symptom is a result of the frayed physical and spiritual boundaries between the afflicted and the threads of magic present in the world, the disease allowing one to reach closer to the raw essence of magic.


There is no known treatment for the disease. Standard treatment for pain and headaches does treat the afflicted symptoms and delay progression of symptoms, but such treatment will not cure the underlying disease.


All known cases of Dread Scar have resulted in death. Time from contracting the disease until death ranges from 5 to 30 years, depending on the initial health, age, and disposition of the afflicted. Women generally last 5 years longer than similarly situated men.   While afflicted with Dread Scar the use of magic notable enhances and speeds up the fatal prognosis, with most experienced mages living only 3 to 5 years, after scars appear, if they continue to use and practice magic.


Avoidance of Dreadium is the best prescribed prevention method. Use of protective materials and gear is recommended if one handles Dreadium directly. Specialized masks and filters have developed to handle Dreadium dust, to varying degrees of success.


Despite fears and superstitions, Dread Scar cannot be transmitted by an afflicted individual. One must interact directly with Dreadium or inhale Dreadium dust to be afflicted with the disease. Outbreaks, to the extent they occur, often occur either in Dreadium mines or through intentional exposure of a populace to Dreadium dust for the purpose of warfare.

Cultural Reception

Dread Scar is held in both fear and awe by most people and cultures.   The fear results from rumor and superstition, as many believe that interacting with those afflicted by Dread Scar will result in one also being afflicted with the disease and it is understood that the disease is a death sentence.   The awe results in the secondary symptoms of the disease, as those afflicted with Dread Scar have their magical abilities and talents amplified immensely, turning the inexperienced into powerful mages and the already trained and capable into near living manifestations of magic's potential with the belief that a Dread Scar afflicted mage could rival the power of a god.
Chronic, Acquired

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