Hunting trip Tradition / Ritual in The one with superpowers | World Anvil
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Hunting trip

"Hunting, hunting, we're going hunting!" Jeo sang. His little cousins sang along with him. He dashed forward and wrapped his arms around Jen's waist, lifting him up from the ground. Jen squealed and kicked the air. Jeo laughed before shrieking himself when his great uncle Kenno hoisted him into the air. He couldn't help but smile. The whole family had showed up for this trip, even the pacific Artemis decided to come along. He sat on Kenno's shoulders and listened to his family as they conversed happily amongst themselves.
Before Jessa decided to break off from the main branch of the Hunter family, hunting trips were frequent, occurring once a month, or sooner if supplies ran low. Since then, the trips have become less about survival, and more about having a way to connect with the rest of the family. Members of the family who don't wish to hunt will treat the day as a reunion of sorts, packing a picnic and spending the day outside with family.


The Hunting trip usually takes place in the spring of early summer, but there is no set date, it simply takes place whenever is most convenient for everyone. The festivities are split into two parts. The reunion, where people chat and catch up with each other, and the actual hunting trip, which starts at about noon. It's perfectly acceptable for a family member to decide that they would rather not hunt, even if they do possess the Hunters Eye. Those sitting out will simply stay at the reunion for the rest of the day. The actual hunting part is, well, a hunting trip. Powers and abilities are used, but other than that, there's no special rituals or anything. The hunters will divvy up their spoils and return home.

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Apr 25, 2018 11:00 by TJ Trewin

Sounds like a wholesome and enjoyable day out with plenty of skills to be learnt :D Nice read!

Journals of Yesteryear

Apr 25, 2018 18:32 by Ross

Thank you!

Apr 25, 2018 13:28 by Kris Weavill

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GorgeFodder - Former Forge Father & Former Community Director of World Anvil