Revanche of The House of Burteno Character in The Mountain Realm of the Phoenix. | World Anvil
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Revanche of The House of Burteno (Re-Van-Chey, Burt-En-O)

Revanche is the last heir of The House of Burteno, his parents were killed by a member of the same clan when he was only ten years of age. Revanche went into a fit of anguish he was determined to find the killer, slowly he developed his skill of negotiation and his skill of charisma, all that was to manipulate his way to the top of the clans' hierarchy, he rose in the ranks but was not trusted, he gathered the information leading to his parents killer and once he achieved this information he devised a plot. The following week it unfolded, he purposely made himself look frail and different to seem weak and in need, he came up to the killer's door and knocked, and the killer opened the door seeing the weak figure he felt bad and insisted for him to come in, once Revanche was in the house the killed came up to him with food, Revanche devoured it and slowly he regained his power, Revanche asked the killer if he could stay for a night, the stranger filled with selflessness said he could. During the night Revanche grabbed a knife that was hidden in his clothes, he crept towards the killer's room thinking he was asleep, once he entered the room he saw the killer awake, the killer turned begging for him to put the weapon down. "Revanche is it you, please put the weapon down we can talk it all out, c'mon pal do it, please." "Why would I put the weapon down I do have the golden chance to kill my parent's murderer, and I would never forgive myself if I let you out of my net, you see there's no reason to stop." "I was ordered to kill your parents by the people of the clan, your parents were wretched people, they were evil in the worst sense of the word, they murdered many of our clan members for reasons even unknown to us, we always suspected it but could never pinpoint it til the night when the orders came in, Revanche stop, don't be like them." "You're wrong, all of those horrible people were wrong my parents were great, I could now just punish you for doubting them, this night will be... fun!" Revanche grabs his knife and kills the killer, he went on to kill all in the clan leaving no one. A group of people showed up after this had all happened and detained Revanche, the took him to a rift and threw him into a hellish realm where he could rot, he lived his days there eternally, he found a house and inhabited it, anyone who entered would be put into his "games" and all who died were stripped of their spirits and were doomed to work for him, to this day it's unknown if he still inhabits the house, no one has dared to see.

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