Dorian Graycloaks Ethnicity in The Known World | World Anvil
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Dorian Graycloaks

High in the mountains these humans have escaped and began their climb towards the Stars and Outer Planes where they claim divine inspiration for their art. Nobles and kings flock to their small settlement bringing luxurious gifts and food. All this for naught but an audience to their leader and the right to request a portrait be made of them upon a magically embued cloak-- The Lifecloak.   Every person tells a different tale for what their Lifecloak brings them, it seems the Stars guide different outcomes to those with differing needs. The common thread among the surviving tales is one of providence and protection from nature and the ails it brings. Monks often visit in hopes to stave off the effects of old age before they achieve the inner enlightenment to attain this effect for themselves. Scholars have tried to track down these monks in order to better understand the long-term effects but history has quietly forgotten them.   The true workings of the cloaks remain an enigma but there are reports that the paintings on the cloaks change, apparently in response to the actions of the owner. A reflection of their soul, of their actions. However, any attempts to confirm this show no change in the painting and the owner having died under mysterious circumstances. Suicide doesn't quite match the scene of their death but no other pieces of evidence exist that could point to a possible killer.   The Graycloaks are forbidden to wear a Lifecloak; they have been mandated by Law to only gift these to the other mortal races, hence their simple gray garb from which they derive their name. This has been a source of many conspiracies that surround the Graycloaks, what artist does not trust their own craft?     Let me know what you think about this article!   Would you buy a Cloak? Perhaps as a way to save a cherished character from the death of old age?

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Cover image: Tower Approach by Dean Spencer


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