Illska Crater Settlement in The Everglowing Forest | World Anvil
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Illska Crater

To reach the Illska Crater we travelled through the Spirit Passage, a path that once connected Elen to a gate of the Spirits. As we got closer to the crater, the forest gradually became sparser and sparser. A few miles from the crater, the forest was dead, the trees burned, the land withered. Even after 200 years, nature was struggling to regain its place. A few flowers were able to grow from the little water that was available. [...] We finally arrived at the rim of the crater, the meteorite was in its center, the miners' and jewellers' huts were tiny compared to the gigantic rock. We were still far away, but we could smell the sulphur and chlorine, the air must not have been very pure within the crater.
— Chapter 3 of The Everglowing Adventure, Trynsys

The Moonstone Craftsmanship in the Illska Crater

This work is extracted from the Book of Natural Science, chapter on moonstone

The workers of the Illska Crater are, for the most part, blacksmiths members of the wardens but a few Oryms have chosen to leave Elen to become jewellers. Moonstone can be used to make jewelry or weapons, an alloy with iron and lead is needed to use moonstone in its metallic form. Moonstone forged weapons are very durable and light but quite brittle, these properties make it very useful for arrows or short swords, larger weapons are still made of steel. Jewellery is often made from one or more moonstone gems and a silver mount. Moonstone gems are translucent and their colour varies from white to orange depending on the iron content.
Moonstone brooch by Artbreeder
Founding Date
410 (151 years ago)
Alternative Name(s)
The City of Moonstone
  • 70 Blacksmiths
  • 8 Jewellers

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Cover image: by Anastasia Romanova


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