[Cassava Day of Harvest] Tradition / Ritual in The Castraversi | World Anvil
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[Cassava Day of Harvest]

The Cassava is a food staple that is unique and ubiquitous to the Framework of the Ara as one of their major agricultural products that can be found on Otapi and the many Selars. Because of its frequent use in dishes and also its easy access throughout the various settlements, there has arisen traditions on Otapi that has turned the day of harvest for this particular food source into a special holiday.    During this day, offerings are made to the fields that produce the cassava, dedicatory phrases, and prayers, as well as special decorations, are worn, themed to the plant that has guaranteed the survival of the many peoples who occupy this Framework for thousands of years.   On the Day of Harvest, they actually don't eat any of the Cassava, but instead, give it a sort of honorary position as a "special guest" for their celebrations. Fasting, dancing, and dedicated hours of gratitude for exceptional growth towards the Yuca Mother and the gifts of the Forms are some of the more generalized methods of celebrating this Day of Harvest between the many different traditions that have arisen from Otapi when the original celebration was designed thousands of years ago.   To the Ara, plantlife, especially any plantlife that sustains them, is considered alive, and they honor it with exceptional respect on the day that the plant is available for consumption, which is why these days are marked on their ancestral calendars. Even in Xalia in the modern-day, there are days where they do not eat their usual fare but give a day in thanks to the plants that produce what they need by providing special ceremonial sessions of perfomance to keep at the forefront of their minds their lasting gratitude for the gifts of the Forms that grant them continuance.

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