The Draco Species in The Aerth | World Anvil
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The Draco

Originally they were all shapes and sizes. Some had their head brushing the clouds as their immense tail brushed the foliage. Some chittered in the underbrush with wide fans about their ears that warned the others of danger. Then the Ignis Magna fell in love with the Aquae Magna and sought to give her a gift. She had been desperately trying to protect her sea creatures from the ravenous Triabalon lately. The Triabalon was long and snake-like with fins dotting its back. Not the most terrifying specimen it must be said, but the Triabalon's hunger made up for any of its physical drawbacks. Its jaw could dislocate and swallow whole ships, if there were enough chunky sailors aboard.   The Ignis Magna fell upon a delightful plan to make the Aquae Magna a dazzling beast who could protect her domain for her. The resultant fire-built creature was just as ravenous as the Triabalon. Its jaws were vast, its claws were sharp and it was very, very ravenous. It sought the land for something to sate its belly but only succeeded in devouring all the other beasts the Ignis Magna had made. Yes, Magna Tiruln thought, this should take care of that nasty Triabalon. He sent it to the sea as a sort of suprise gift. Wouldn't she be pleased when the Triabalon was devoured? Of course this was not the case. Not at all.   The two humungous beasts chased each other through the seas for a full week before disappearing into the deepest trench. Another week passed before anything returned to the surface.   It was the Draco.   Of course the Aquae Magna then had another monster in her back yard. She was not pleased by this at all. She tried every trick she knew to be rid of it, even infusing it with Gobbet Light in the faint hope it might become a good giant monster with huge teeth. Nothing worked and often the Draco went on a tantrum binge afterward. The sea was growing emptier with every day.   The Ignis Magna stopped by to receive any thanks she might happen to want to give. He'd made her a glorious gift. Surely she was thankful. Surely she would be so thankful that she'd agree to be his wife. Surely! With a puffed chest and sparkling smile he told her who had graciously sent the Draco.   He, and his soggy gift, were peremptorily sent back to the surface. Both stung and aching. The Ignis Magna's heart ached and he had taken it out on the Draco, binding its mouth and legs with Gobbet-infused seaweed and dragging it back to the Ignis Magna's home.   The Ignis Magna did not react well to this sting. Not well at all. In a rage he destroyed his home cave beside the desert. Fire blazed from the cave mouth till everything was ash, even the porcelain tub of seawater he'd created for his supposed bride-to-be. The Draco struggled where it had been dropped outside the cave mouth, still bound. One short arm had twisted free and its long claws were scraping at the weed clasping its mouth. It, unfortunately, did not escape before the Ignis Magna, clothes charred and breath steaming, stalked from his cave home. His eyes fell on the squirming Draco.   "What about you? She didn't want you either. Well. Poor thing. So sad. Who's going to care for either of us? Who?" He watched the Draco still fidgeting with its mouth ties for a moment. Then he breathed the next words, more air than words, "Not the water, hey?"   Summoning all the Gobbet Light he had left the Ignis Magna gave fire to the Draco's gullet and wings. It was awkward at first, dragging the horned wingtips as it stumbled about, but soon it gained confidence. It even managed to flap them on the cliff edge.   "Go!" the Ignis Magna pushed at the Draco chest, "Go! Fly! You are the king of all water, soil, sky and fire now! Go!"   With that push the Draco stumbled backwards off the cliff and only caught itself from landing rather painfully on the broken rocks below by expanding its wings. It flew. In surprise it bellowed gloriously into the dry air and nearly forgot to catch itself when fire cracked from its horned lips.   Thus the Draco was born.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Eggs need to remain hot for three months before shells are hard enough to crack when the Draco butts its way out.

Growth Rate & Stages

Exclusio - First moon after hatching Fomes - First Flame Fluito - First Flight Draco - Full Adult

Ecology and Habitats

Draco can live anywhere there is enough food to keep them fed. They prefer to nest in deep caves, or the hot sands of the desert if there are any settlements nearby. The nest needs to be kept at a steady temperature, just short of bursting into flame. This requires at least two male Draco, blowing fire around the nest, as well as the mother nesting. Two more males are required to hunt for the female since she is required to continue a blazing belly temperature for her huddled eggs beneath.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They do not store food, as the meat will rot if left, or another Draco will snatch it up.

Biological Cycle

Heat is good. Eating is basically only done for pleasure. Summer skies are usually clear of Draco wing. Cold is bad. The Draco needs to eat more in cold temperatures to continue its internal equilibrium. The winter is dangerous to venture out in, even if people want to endure the cold, because of this phenomenon. In the Exclusio stage the Draco sheds its scale monthly since it is growing rapidly. They are very sensitive to attack at this stage. The Fomes and Fluito stages have slower scale shed.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Dark sight is clearest. Sunny days disorient the Draco. Its sense of smell is the strongest. Smelling prey a mile away. Who knows if it tastes anything since it does not seem terribly concerned what it eats, as long as the prey was once living.
Scientific Name
Created by 2nd Ignis Magna, Magna Tiruln out of Fire and Light

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