The Al-Safi Institute of Medicine Building / Landmark in The 12 Worlds | World Anvil
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The Al-Safi Institute of Medicine

The Al-Safi Institute, named after its founder, Yousef al-Safi, is one of the most prestigious institutions among the magical community, up there with the Monet Academy, and Hassel Institute. Al-Safi specialises in microbiology, and dealing with disease. They discovered the first strain of what we on earth would call an influenza virus among a group of farm animals, mere days before it spread across two continents, killing thousands, before either the Institute, or governments, were able to respond effectively. Since then, the Institute has gathered a reputation of being on the cutting edge of science regarding disease, and has worked with governments throughout the twelve worlds, in and out of the Commonwealth, to further their mission of protecting humanity.

Relations with the magical community

One of their most notable features is there use of magical techniques to address not only mass outbreaks, but also in general research and caretaking. It have pioneered the use of magically enhanced microscopes to be able to see the foe they fight, and magical chemicals to sterilise workplaces, kill infections, and test their effects on bacterial cultures. This use of magic in such a prominent field has increased the trust many laypeople have for specialist magic users in general, and this, combined with its good treatment of their magical employees, has garnered the Institute a golden reputation among the international magical community, which has often been subject to harsh conditions, under the belief by some that their magical ability makes them capable of working longer and harder than their less magical peers.  

Relations with national governments

As stated, the Institute has worked with national governments in the past, most notably during the outbreak that became known as the " Great plague", at least among the English and German speaking sources I've spoken to, in order to keep the public safe from disease. In that vein, the Institute is a crucial cog in the international, inter-coalition program known as The International Disease Prevention Program, which aims to eradicate many common diseases from the twelve worlds, via vaccination and teaching local people how to avoid getting sick. In this battle, the Al-Safi institute handles the research and production of the vaccines, as well as any other drugs, used by governments, while the Monet Academy handles the education of the general populace, and helps train volunteers to handle things on the ground.

The Institute building

The headquarters of the institute is located on the northwest coast of the Juruf'aswad peninsula, and appears to be based around an old University/ mosque. The central building houses the main faculty, and the administrative departments, and functions as the place where classes are held, to teach the small amount of students who attend the Institute. Closer to the shoreline is the main medical block, where local patients are treated, and those with "interesting" symptoms and infections are brought for further investigation. Inland is the main research block, where experiments and studies are conducted, and where scientists concoct the new vaccines annually, to be produced by private companies.
University / Educational complex

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