The Storyteller's Quill Item in Terrene | World Anvil
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The Storyteller's Quill

Exerpt from "Tools of Tales: A Guide to the Written Word's Writing Implements" While the Storyteller makes their own journals and ink, the Storyteller's Quill is passed down from Storyteller to Storyteller. It's said that the magic of the Quill keeps the journals from deteriorating, allowing the Heros a full chronicle of the past cycles, and thus suggestions on what to do during theirs. It took several cycles for the Quill to be made and thus, the chaos of the first cycles can only be guessed at. With the magic that has kept the Quill going some scholars hypothesize that the magic of the Quill's time is stronger than the current. While this could be true, it is also true that it took many cycles for the knowledge of the Quill to come to light so there still may be many artefacts that the Heros have that we don't know about. There are some scholars who guess that the magic that keeps it going may have been too much for the Mage and possibly killed them before the end of the cycle. Others suggest that it's actually the Quill that keeps the cycles going, its continued existance the only thing causing the cycle to loop. But those are just rumors and heresay. No evidence supports those ideas, especially since the creation of the Quill is still a mystery to us. Other mages, not of the Heros, have tried to make their own quills to preserve their writings. The only one to succeed was Ambrocious Clardon, of the Scholars of Loren(CY1300). His writings have survived to the current date(CY1598) after being exposed to various harmful environments(water, humidity, heat, light). The collection of his works has ongoing tests every number of years, as instructed by Sch. Clardon before his passing, CY 1345. Sch. Clardon however, did not leave instructions on his methods and his quill has since disappeared(Possibly destroyed by Clardon before his death, possibly stolen by an apprentice). This may be a blessing in disguise as having everything one ever wrote preserved for all time would no doubt cause many a problem. And reading some scholarly journals, one might be happy that they wont exist forever either. (Note: This author found Sch. Clardon's writings to be rather dry and unhelpful in any realm of learning and cannot help but wish that he had been a poet or something even slightly more interesting than a quill scholar.)

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Magic flows through the quill, bending time to it's will and holding the object written on suspended in the moment it was written.

Manufacturing process

Once a regular Quill is assembled, Nib, Handle, and any flourishes, the Mage may then tie time to the Quill. For such a magic to stick the Mage must tie some of their life to the Quill.
Current Holder
Owning Organization
Only one "Storyteller's Quill". Once copy made but currently missing/destroyed)
Raw materials & Components
Metal Quill Nib, wood and feather for the handle.

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