Le Festival des Masques (3-7 Mois de Joie) Tradition / Ritual in Terrarum | World Anvil
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Le Festival des Masques (3-7 Mois de Joie)

A yearly festival held throughout Blueria, the Festival of Masks celebrates the idea of 'never judge a book by its cover'. Of course, Bluerians will give any excuse to dress up, drink, and revel, so whether this was the real reason or not is unknown. The biggest celebration is held in the capital city. The festival lasts for an entire week and revelry spreads to every corner of the country. The Festival of Masks is characterized by the wearing of costumes and, unsurprisingly, masks, street shows, dancing, and general partying. Drinking is very prevalent, and some taverns and other establishments stock up well in advance. Repas-partagés are popular, with every household in a given town or village typically contributing a dish. Revelers enjoy street performances of all kinds - jugglers, acrobats, clowns, magicians, and players populate every city square. This festival was established almost a century and a half ago, a few decades after the nation's founding. Since then, it has grown and been embraced by the country as a whole, and people come the world over to join in the festivities. In the capital, the festival is kicked off by the Crown appearing in front of the palace with a ceremonial mask, which they then throw into the crowd to be caught by a lucky reveler whilst proclaiming, "Laissez la chasse commencer!' This reveler can be pursued all week long for the mask; whoever has this mask at the end of the festival is proclaimed Champion des Masques, and they are allowed to keep the mask as a keepsake. There are no rules as to how the mask is obtained, so long as violence is not used, and the catcher is given two hours grace period.

Components and tools

Principally masks, almost always extravagantly decorated.
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Apr 25, 2018 13:06 by TJ Trewin

Great concept! Sounds like an exciting festival to take part in :)

Journals of Yesteryear

Apr 25, 2018 13:28 by Kris Weavill

Hey there, thanks for entering the Festival challenge, be sure to share your article on Reddit, Facebook, Twitter and any other social media sites! Remember more hearts (at the bottom of the page) increases your chance of winning! - GorgeFodder (World Anvil Community Team)

GorgeFodder - Former Forge Father & Former Community Director of World Anvil