The true sword Myth in Tec | World Anvil
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The true sword

A sword that embodies the very concept of swords themselves. The sword is able to cut through anything even things that are more conceptual. The sword sometimes is ascribed to have a certain amount of sentiense often being extremely bloodthirsty and needing to be controlled by the hero’s iron will.


Is a popular legend having to do with the dragons in Forst and humans. legend has it that there was once a warrior each species says it’s their own who had a sword that could cut anything after beating countless monsters the hero turned back to his people only to see that they were waring with their neighboring species horrified the hero used his sword to cut the divide between the nations. After this he realized how powerful the sword truly was and buried it legends say in a time of great need there will be a new hero who wields the true sword.

Historical Basis

This was based on a human with a soul bond with a dragon he did wield a sword and was a master at his craft but the sword itself was not magical the war he stopped was actually just a smaller skirmish he still caused them to resolve the situation peacefully and worked to bring the two species closer and over the years this spiraled and the story got twisted.


Only known in Forst it’s reasonably well known though the exact details of the legend changes from telling to to telling the main details remain.

Variations & Mutation

Was a oral legend so there are a ton of differences especially when it comes to where the sword came from.

In Literature

There have been records of the more popular stories regarding the true sword.

In Art

There are many murals of the legend in all buildings specifically for relations between the dragons and humans.
Related Species
Related Locations

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