Not a circle but a spiral Settlement in Tec | World Anvil
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Not a circle but a spiral

A piece of land that has seen an offshoot of the same event happen over and over throughout it's history. The town is dominated by a tyrant who abuses his people to gain an impressive store of resources. The people stir and get angry until one day a young man or very rarely a young women comes and leads a rebellion overthrowing the tyrant. As a reward for his help the young hero is offered any reward and chooses to have access to some of the materials gathered by the previous tyrant to build a new body for their A.I. friend P.A.L. (this device is really The predictor) in making this machine he messes up with the power source which is very volatile, and blows up the town killing everyone there. This process repeats without fail and each time the young hero gets a little closer to perfecting the machine. The young hero is really one of the Maestros of minds and is used to make sure this cycle continues. The tyrant also usually but not always has a female relative that enters a relationship with the young man when the tyrant doesn't have a female relative she is usually a notable figure in the rebellion. In the cases where the hero is a women the events play out pretty much the same except for the fact that she ends up in a relationship with a male relative or rebel.


The tyrants mansion usually has a few guards and is built to be able to completely close down in case of riots.


The town is pretty close to a prosperous mine that is unknown by Kryst's government and is usually discovered by the tyrant and the money from these mines are usually the main incentive for his actions and how he initially gathers the residents of the town.


The houses of the workers are shoddy and seemed to be built in less then a day while the tyrant usually has a grand mansion full of defenses that keep out those that oppose him.
Alternative Name(s)
The town itself has had countless names over the years.
Usually only has about 50 citizens.
Location under

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