Divine Steel Material in Tavomia | World Anvil
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Divine Steel

The Manifestation of Lul'nir Wrath

As I stepped inside the chapel, my eyes were blinded for but a moment, but when my vision cleared I was met with an audience with which one could only think they were to recieve the world's highest honors.   After but a few moments a voice boomed "Approach Initiate, the time has come for Lulnir to judge your light!"   I could not lie that I was not afraid of what was to come, but through my earlier teachings I had learned to put my fears aside, and with that I approached.   Once I arrived at the altar, the Head Brother turned to face me, resting in his hands was an elegant blade that glowed a brilliant gold and he spoke   "If you are worthy to bear our oath and name, take this sword into your hands, may Lul'nir reveal your heart and pass judgement".   I took the blade into my hands and the sword again glowed the same gold as the Head Brother, A smile appeared upon his face and said   "You have been found innocent by The Lightbringer, arise Brother Martin and speak the Oath".
— From A Personal Entry in Knight Marshal Martin Ricard.

Born of the Heavens

The orgins of Divine Steel are a well known legend that tell of great weapons and armour of power that were forged by Lulnir, The Light Bringer during The Divine War. It is said that they were given to his Ascended, stalwalt champions that were raised to the status of immortal Angels. Most are believed to be long lost to the events of The Rebirth there are only a few of these weapons known to exists, all of which are rumoured to be in the hands of The Lightbringers.  

Forged in Lights Wrath

Arms forged from Divine Steel have many special properties some are physical and other are divine in nature. Divine Steel is a golden color and give off a faint incandescent light at akk times and in the hands of a true champion will burn with the light of Lul'nir himself.   Divine Steel cannot be broken, dirt and fluids will not bind to it's surface, and so it will never stain. It cannot rust or deteriate in anyway, so even though nearly all weapons were lost they must still exist somewhere within the world.   Despite its unequivocal strength it is rumored to have been semi-malleable prior to being forged. This allowed for items crafted from it to be very ornate in nature and yet once finished they become unbreakable.  

Hands of the Divine

In the hands of a true champion of good, a weapon made from Divine Steel will become perfectly balance and almost an extension of a person's will.   When this blade comes in contact with a creature of dark intent, it will blaze even brighter, searing their skin and causing intense pain, filling their heads with the deafening sound of Lul'nir's divine voice.   However, if the blade makes contact with an innocent it will refuse to wound them, instead bouncing off them as if they were made of stone, this will also cause physical pain to the wielder.  

The Righteous Initiation

It is commonly know that The Lightbringers use one of these swords to test new initiates who wish to join their order, if the sword does not illumate when held the initate will be turn away as not worthy of serving Lulnir, The Light Bringer, this makes it impossible for someone of ill intent to enter the order maintain its sanctity.

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