Witherblight Condition in Tarris 7 | World Anvil
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Witherblight (With-ur-blyt)

Across Tarris 7, word spreads about a strange affliction that befalls certain regions and people. Most tales come from the towns within Nizulchran of the aftermath of the illness; the curious decay in its wake.     Those who have experienced or witnessed the Witherblight typically recount other tall tales along with it. Reporting "cursed" curios or objects with their own peculiarities as the cause. Others claim they've seen grotesque figures made from whatever the substance is. This is still largely unconfirmed by most authoritative sources.     Healers, both rooted in the tangible and more open to unseen sources, are puzzled about the origins of the anomalous goo. Some things they both agree on is its behavior akin to common tar, its pestilent scent and uncanny ability to destroy and change most material of living origin. In one observation of the substance, a Nizulchran citizen was brought to a Medaeus building under critical condition. A group of other travelers were with them; an adventuring party of sorts. Eye witness accounts recalled a strange hooded figure stopping them on the road before drawing an other-worldly blade; reeking of that horrid scent, edge dripping with the caustic substance. One of the people who brought them in swore the blade had an eye in the center of the cross-guard; which seemed made of some black chitinous material.     When rushed to the first available Critical Operation Room, the nurses reported seeing the patient's arm turning a ghastly, ashen gray. There was clearly a minor laceration on the patient, but it had been cauterized into a blackened scab. Miniscule chips and flakes of the patient's arm flew off like dander as the rush happened.     They got the patient to the doctor and began examination. They succeeded in collecting samples of the patients afflicted, ashy skin. However, when attempting to swab or gather the substance with various tools, the tools began to simmer and shrivel similarly to the patients arm. After observing this behavior, the doctor found it necessary to bring in a specialist from the Kreatos Conglomerate to hopefully learn of and contain what ailed this person. The Kreaton Pothemancer used their magic to try to identify the spell or material on the patient; they did not discover a known origin from a caster, plant, animal or any known lifeform or substance of the region.     The patient's condition was worsening, the ashen creep was crawling further up and down their arm with each passing minute. As a reluctant last effort, the doctor had word of the matter sent to a member of the Dreadsdyn Inquisition. Thankfully, one such Inquisitor was on patrol and moved quickly to reach the C.O.R. After gathering the information they could from the doctor and the Kreaton Pothemancer, they declared a requisition of the patient and had them transported discreetly to the nearest Aetherisian Chapel. Fortunately, the patient recovered and was returned to their town, but with little recollection of the event.     Needless to say, should you see that ashen creep and smell a lingering scent of death, it's best to flee to save your skin, lest it wither away to a shriveled rot.

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Jul 2, 2021 22:57 by Janelle

Nice flow and description of the matter and the rather curious tales behind the affliction. There are a couple of spelling errors but nothing your next edit won't fix! :D   Also, if you get the chance, don't forget to link words to articles that explain what they are that way your world is linked together and relevant information can be found. (I'm guilty of not doing this in my first few months of starting but am currently working on doing this myself!)

Seek out Fate in the world of Auriga!
Jul 2, 2021 23:54

I appreciate your review; I'll check the spelling now. Any specifics you could offer to the errors would be appreciated.   I understand the article linking is a feature, my issue with that for now comes from the fact that almost all, if not all, the information is purely "on-the-spot" material; I didn't have any previous references in WA for it. Hoping to use it in a future Summer Camp prompt this year. If not, then I'll describe it further myself after the event.

Jul 3, 2021 03:27 by Janelle


  • eyewitness is one word
  • "wreaking" should be "reeking" when relating to smell
  • otherworldly is also one word :)
  • I believe you can link article boxes as a Freeman, but I can double check that (article blocks can be found under metadata that you can copy and paste under a header) ^_^   I hope this helps, but let me know!

    Seek out Fate in the world of Auriga!