Songspeech Language in Tairos | World Anvil


Are they talking about me again?
— Overheard on the streets of Tengu Town
Songspeech is form of communication used by the Tengu. Unlike most languages spoken in Tairos Songspeech is unique in that it relies on melodious chirps, whistles, and clicks to convey information rather than spoken words.
It's likely this language was the first one used by the primitive ancestors of the Tengue people during their earliest days of evolution to warn against predators and seek out food or mates. The simple sounds their throats produced were able to carry for hundreds of feet and remain perfectly audible while still conveying simple messages so it is no surprise that this would eventually evolve into true language.
Non-Tengue find Songspeech incredibly difficult to understand and nearly impossible to be fluent in. Tengue brains are highly specialized when it comes to analyzing subtle changes in pitch, volume, and timbre. Psychoacoustical responses in their occipital cortex and temporal lobe quickly process the song and inform them of the senders message/intent. This suggests that Tengue "visualize" songs in addition to hearing them. It's this mechanism that makes Tengue excellent linguists; easily able to process the languages of other races and translate it into Songspeech.
It's unknown if their language was easier to understand for non-Tengue in their original homeland but here in Tairos it's a near impossibility. This has only worked to the Tengue's advantage as they are, by nature, a secretive people and deeply distrustful of native Tairosians. They use it conceal their conversations when among other races, especially when coordinating ambushes or business scams aimed at non-Tengue and to great effect. Criminal organizations such as the Black Thorn Society often look to hire Tengue to act as messengers for hidden communications or as translators.


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