Outpost 91, Earth Settlement in Summer Camp 2021 | World Anvil
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Outpost 91, Earth

  • Outpost 91 was created by the New Californian government, alongside their military in 2301. The purpose of site 91 was secret to everyone except those involved, and the director of California. It was to produce amazing quantities of Antimatter and their related technologies.
  • Outpost 91 was outfitted with a 1,000 mile long, deep-sea Gran-Hadronic Super Collider that could create enough Antimatter per minute to make over 10,000 rounds of Antimatter-tipped bullets per minute.


  • Personnel includes top scientists poached, paid off, or kidnapped from other countries around the world.
  • Drone pilots that control massive deep-sea mining wells and deliver the required nitrogen, carbon, salt, iron, and copper to the forges to create the containment tubes for the finished Antimatter
  • Top engineers that assist the AIs with creating and transporting finished and raw goods to and from Outpost 91.

Transportation to/from the base

  • Personnel is transported to and from the base via the Caution Advisory Council's Tetrax Class Wingship, which has travel times between the mainland and the outpost of 1.5 hours.
  • The Antimatter is delivered to three different sites on the mainland via deep earth transportation tubes, which can bring Antimatter safely to the mainland in as little as 10 minutes.
  • For maintenance, several Antimatter-powered submarines are docked on-site for easy travel to the furthest points of the ring.


  1. 2304, a support beam that anchors the outpost to the ocean floor was struck and damaged by a pod of whales, no casualties
  2. 2402, a massive explosion inside one of the transportation tubes signified that it wasn't cold enough to safely transport Antimatter, no casualties, but one tube was completely destroyed and the other ones were outfitted to better control the temperature.
  3. 2477, a repair drone flooded 2 billion square meters of the GHSC, almost causing a meltdown within the collider, but the water-cooled the internal tiles of the collider enough to safely repair without any casualties.

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