MPOD/Shimmer, Alnea and Earth Condition in Summer Camp 2021 | World Anvil
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MPOD/Shimmer, Alnea and Earth

  • MPOD is the name people gave this disease when it first appeared on earth in 2475.
  • On Alnea, MPOD is called Shimmer. Shimmer is common, easily spotted, and treatable, with over 10,000 across all of Alnea every year.

How do you catch MPOD/Shimmer?

  • On Earth, MPOD is a generalized disease, with it being any interaction between a life form and Myathron Particles. Because life on earth isn't used to the daily absorption, usage, and contact with Myathron particles, their almost nonexistent magic circuits are not used to them.
  • On Alnea, Shimmer is caught when people overuse their magical circuits in their body, whether by performing too many spells or trying to use advanced magic without the required training or ability.


  • While MPOD and Shimmer are closely related, their symptoms vary from one ‘dimension’ to the other. However, some similarities can be seen. There are six stages a patient goes through, some stages are identical, and the end result (if left untreated) is exactly the same. On extremely rare occasions, there are a seventh stage, which isn't explainable by historians on Alnea, or the leading molecular, neurological, or thaumaturgical (later on) scientists in their respective fields.


  • Stage 1. Hour 0.5. Deep, guttural coughing fits that last minutes on end, patients report that it feels like something is crawling inside them.
  • Stage 2. Hour 0.75. Intense migraines, headaches, nosebleeds. Advanced medical technology known to instantly cure these issues are ineffective.
  • Stage 3. Hour 1. Losing of mental faculties, screaming, and the odd constant request of white chocolate. If the afflicted person consumes white chocolate, Stage 2 and 3 will immediately stop until the start of Stage 4.
  • Stage 4. Hour 2.
  • Continued insanity, suicidal tendencies among patients. Painful burns, bruises, and sometimes cuts will appear on the subject's chest, neck, and thighs. Increased heart rate.
  • Stage 5. Hour 2.25
  • Burns, bruises, and cuts will deepen and expand, with subjects now begging to be euthanized. Eyes will start to bleed, and skin will start turning a dark color.
  • Stage 6. Hour 2.75
  • Within seconds of Stage 6 beginning, subjects will start screaming in agony, crying, praying (even if not religious), in some cases, will say nothing as their skin starts to melt and peel away from their bodies, turning black, with sparkling bits of pure Myathron scattered within their bodies.


  • Stage 1. Hour 5. Depending on how they caught Shimmer, people afflicted will either have a slight cough, or a small nosebleed. Reports of a tingling sensation in their right lung.
  • Stage 2. Hour 10. Minor headaches, migraines, and nosebleeds.
  • Stage 3. Hour 20. Hallucinations, jumbled speech. Constant requests for Ralaga berries. If given Ralaga berries, Stage 4-6 (sometimes 7) will cease for random period of time, ranging from 1 day to 25 years.
  • Stage 4. Hour 26. Small bruises will appear on their chest, above their heart region.
  • Stage 5. Hour 32. Bruises become large, deep cuts and painful burns appear over their body.
  • Stage 6. Hour 48. Flaking of their skin, before large parts melt away, turning black and sparkly, filled with concentrated Myathrons.

Seventh Stage

  • The seventh stage is still widely unknown and almost impossible to document and research. For MPOD, only 2 cases of the seventh stage have been documented, and Shimmer’s seventh stage has only been recorded 695 times in their nearly 2000 year history.
  • Symptoms of Stage 7
  • Immediate curing of ALL afflictions that plague them.
  • Increase in strength, stamina, mental fortitude, speed, and agility
  • The rapid opening of their magical circuits to their maximum potential, for MPOD cases, all magic becomes available and known to them instantly.


  • Because humans on earth have never encountered Myathron particles, there is currently no cure or treatment available. MPOD is 100% fatal to all humans. However, in 2511, Panacea Ultima was created, finally giving humans a cure for MPOD. 
  • On the other hand, Shimmer is easily treatable up to Stage 4. All a person needs to do is find their way to a Red Brick Room before Stage 5. After which, Shimmer becomes untreatable and 100% fatal unless Stage 7 occurs.

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