Mountain Lion Species in Summer Camp 2020 | World Anvil
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Mountain Lion

Basic Information


The puma is classified as a "small cat" though to humans and fae alike the puma is big in comparison to them. Pumas are mainly tan-color, and can be up to 9 feet long. The average size is about 8 feet long. This particular cougar of GNM is 9.5 feet long. He is above average for sure. They can weigh from 29 kilograms to 90 kilograms. (The males are larger.) Most pumas live up to 21 years. They are closer to the domestic house cat in classification than they are the lion. They have strong muscular limbs, large feet, are often plain-coloured (gray or tan), and have a pink nose.

Genetics and Reproduction

Puma females in heat act in a way similar to domestic felines. They yowl and rub against objects. Their estrous cycle, which can occur any time during the year, lasts approximately nine days. In North America, the puma mainly becomes pregnant in early to late winter, giving birth to cubs in the spring after a three-month pregnancy.

Growth Rate & Stages

The period of gestation lasts for about 91 days. The young lions become skilled in hunting after 6 months. Within this period they stay with their mothers. After that time, they are set free and become independent from their mother. The lifespan of cougar is 8 – 13 years.

Ecology and Habitats

Cougars prefer dense forests, coastal swamps, rocky cliffs, and mountain ranges as their habitat, and seem to avoid areas that are open, lack adequate vegetation and stalk cover. There are specific factors that make a particular region favorable for cougars or mountain lions. They include, abundance of prey, prey vulnerability, stalk cover, and the ability to hunt unseen. They prefer good covering to protect themselves and their little ones from sight.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Their preferred prey is deer. They love deer and this animal is easy for them to catch quickly.  So cougar habitats often coincide with the habitat of deer, and animals like, rabbits, moose, sheep, porcupine, capybara, mice, squirrels, etc. Both deer and cougars like dense vegetation.

Biological Cycle

Their life cycle doesnt depend on a certain location or season change. Cougars don’t have permanent dens, but they are often found resting in caves, among rocky outcrops, and in dense vegetation. Cougars have a tendency to migrate to the mountains in winter, mainly for hunting.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The species has excellent night vision and precise hearing. The everyday prey of this animal will not hear them coming before they are pounced upon and it is too late.
Scientific Name
Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order: Carnivora Family: Felidae Genus: Puma Species: P. concolor
The mountain lion, also known as, puma, deer cat, mountain lion, mountain devil, red tiger, king cat, sneak cat, catamount, Mexican lion, panther, are big wild cats that generally live in northern america, florida, and central america.
Conservation Status
The species "mountain lion" itself is an endangered species. Locals do not hunt as it is against the law. This particular cougar is able to live on Great North Mountain unbothered and unhunted. This allows for him to live to cause mischief and strife in the mundane and magical world of the fae.

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