Varex Illan Character in Soma | World Anvil
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Varex Illan

Varex Illan is the undisputed but completely insufferable expert in arcane seals and artificial magical life. His background is mysterious, he simply burst into the public consciousness fully formed and churning out one insane magical experiment after another. He isn't amoral per se but he does have an absent minded approach to public safety and proper experimental protocol. His recent passion has been seeking the secrets of Mimics and their incredible ability to absorb ambient energy and generate matter. By interweaving Mimic properties with some surreptitiously stolen biological materials from the World-Turtle Shorewydd, Varex has created whole new orders of Mimic life, including the powerful Dungeon-Heart , a massive Mimic capable of turning ambient magic and human emotional energy into physical items, magical power and even other Mimic-based life forms. Despite his general disregard for public well being he is also dangerously stubborn. He was recently imprisoned by the Morin Regime after being arrested, not for his search for the Seals, but for starting a bar fight with racist Morin supporters who insisted that non-humans were inherently dangerous. A brave band of Resistance  mercenaries were able to infiltrate The Mound and rescue him but in the interlude his research materials in the ruins at Barrowdale were able to escape their safeguards and begin terrorizing the villagers. It took another band of warriors to rescue the town by delving deep into the ruins and violently severing the nascent Dungeon Heart from the keep. Varex has darker skin than most Karnians and jet black hair that he sweeps back with some sort of alchemical gel. After having many of his favorite magical tools consumed by a Mimic, Varex converted them to magical tattoos, permanently imbuing their magic into his body in the form of intricate spiraling arcane sigils.
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