Wyrms Species in Solstice | World Anvil
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The trio stepped down into the valley onto a field of sand. They travelled quietly through it until Takk’pan felt the sand shift far beneath him. Something moved beneath them, something long and massive.   “Sand wyrm.” Takk’pan said quietly, stopping in his tracks. Syra and Sythelethys stopped a few paces ahead of him.   “Pardon?” Sythelethys responded, turning to him.   “Sand wyrm!” He shouted again as the sand suddenly erupted beneath Syth.   -Excerpt from Crimson Sand
  Wyrms are a species of reptillian creatures native to Solstice. They are long, large, scaled creatures somewhat akin to massive snakes with two legs near their head. Unlike regular snakes and other reptiles, wyrms have a full set of sharp teeth. They are carnivorous creatures, preying on whatever sates their hunger, whether that be smaller animals, humans or even smaller wyrms. They are rare creatures, so for a human to be preyed on is generally quite rare, although possible in the right places.   Wyrms are well known for their ability to survive in very harsh environments and temparatures, making their hides often extremely valuable for traversing these extreme environments. Due to this they also tend to live in the more extreme areas on Solstice.   There are a few known subspecies of wyrms around the continent. Two of the most well known species are sand wyrms and frost wyrms, located generally in Takk'ona and the Precipice Peaks respectively. Sand wyrms are strong burrowers, and use that strength to stalk their prey. They have a limited form of condumancy that allows them to sense movement in the sand up to a mile away. Frost wyrms also have a similar condumatic ability in the snow, along with a camouflaging ability that allows them to hide in the rocky snowscapes of the Precipice Peaks. There are theories of other wyrm species, such as sea wyrms, for instance, that have not yet been discovered but are rumored to exist.   This article was created for Inktober 2019, and rewritten for Summer Camp 2020

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