The To'rin Species in Solaris | World Anvil
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The To'rin

(also known as the Cambion)

"When we look through the remaining texts of the Daemonic peoples, we've constantly seen the word 'To'rin'. Never in a positive context, mind: the To'rin were seen as inferior Daemon, and to some, not even Daemon at all. This amount of discrimination is honestly sad, as their mention is steeped in a deep hatred for the Veremon-- the old-world name for humans."
---Loreto Alvarez, 'Beyond the Wall: An Architectural Approach to Ancient Civilizations'

Basic Information

Biological Traits

A To'rin isn't easily identifiable on the outside, as the race itself is an amalgamation of different Daemonic subraces. The only defining trait that seems to be analogous to all of them is a human body plan, and the occassional horns or Daemonic skin color. Even rarely, some are winged.

Elemental Acuity

To'rin have the lowest elemental attunement of all Daemon, which is what defines them as To'rin. The only body transformation that they are capable of doing is shifting the hue of their body to something more human-like. If they are to integrate into human society, every other Daemonic attribute must be either hidden or removed.

Additional Information

Social Structure

To'rin are the second lowest Caste of Daemon, whenever the Cambion Bridge is still active. When the Cambion bridge is inactive, like in the events of the Great Scare, they are under even The Im'pe. They are slightly better humans, however: being Daemon, they are really quick to learn things, which means that they are the perfect candidate for obtaining information about humans.

Facial characteristics

A To'rin's face is seen as the closest that a Daemon can resemble a human without transforming their body to look that way. As such, they can share a vast array of facial features, and can even have facial hair. If a To'rin's lineage leans towards either Im'pe or Kin'ra, they may have horns located on their forehead.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

To'rin have naming conventions that are resemblant of their Parent(s)' own rearing, or the Guardians that take care of a To'rin that is either abandoned or orphaned. One thing is for certain: many of them are named Kam'rin, or "immigrant", due to the fact that they often migrate to the human civilizations, whether voluntarily or not.   To'rin, like The Im'pe, are wholly incapable of Superadultdom, so they never are granted positions or titles that a Superadult would be able to obtain. Some To'rin will try their hardest, however, through drug-like Ziel usage.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

To'rin, being the oddballs of all Daemon, are not guaranteed to speak The Daemonic Language, as many of them nowadays are born outside of Typhon's Teeth. Were a To'rin to know Daemonic, like with all things Daemonic, their sporken dialect would ultimately depend on their Parent(s) and/or Guardian(s)'.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
125 years (140 if isolated)
Average Height
1.5 to 2 meters
Average Weight
50 to 125 kilograms
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Depends on the Daemon's lineage
Related Ethnicities

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