World Ember Summary in Siopra | World Anvil
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World Ember Summary

WorldEmber 2019 has been a hell of a ride. The community came together once again in the month of December to write 10,000 words (or more, in some cases!) and compete for prizes. Unfortunately this year I was hoping to get the “novella” badge for 25,000 words, however I had surgery on the 10th and didn’t recover as quickly as I would have liked. I’ve managed to complete WorldEmber once again, which is an achievement for me, and hopefully it starts me up for a year of quality world building.   Some notable quotes from this year’s WorldEmber have included:  
“I’ve got word constipation!” ”Don’t you mean Writer’s Block?” ”No! I’ve got the ideas, I just can’t get them down on to paper!”
“Nothing, and I mean nothing, ever leaves the work in progress stage.”

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