Firefly Charmer Profession in Siopra | World Anvil
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Firefly Charmer

Even in the night, Elea is lit up. Lit up by fireflies. Millions of them flock the skies, creating beautiful images and casting strange shadows. Only a few people are liked by fireflies, but these lucky few are able to control them as if they are a liquid.



Many people are born with the ability to charm fireflies, however many years of training from someone who is extremely talented in firefly charming can pay off eventually.

Payment & Reimbursement

Many people pay to watch firefly charmers create displays of sorts, similar to fireworks, but more beautiful and tranquil.



Firefly charming doesn’t really have a purpose, it’s just something some people are able to do with proficiency and people enjoy watching it.


Around three percent of the population of Elea are able to charm fireflies, however only one percent actually show their ability.

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