Entrance to the Dream Library Spell in Siopra | World Anvil
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Entrance to the Dream Library

“What’s he doing? He looks like he’s having a seizure!” ”He’s fine, he’s just visiting the Dream Library for a bit of peace and quiet.” ”If you say so...”
    The Dream Library is a location created in the mind of a person. They cast an intricate spell that takes months to master, and they will go in to a trance-like state whilst they enter a library that they can edit to their heart’s content, adding furniture and summoning books to read. Many people wishing to master an art of some kind utilise the Dream Library.


The intended effect of this spell is to allow the user to enter their own personal dream library.

Side/Secondary Effects

If the spell is performed incorrectly, it can cause significant difficulty in coming out of the Dream Library, however with time it is easily recoverable.


When the spell is cast the user will see a flash of blinding light, invisible to everyone else. Prior to this they will hear an odd humming as the spell begins to work.


The spell was discovered by an unknown wizard, and it has been handed down through the generations.
Gestures & Ritual
The user must sit cross legged on the floor and say the incantation without error to enter their Dream Library.
Effect Duration
The spell lasts until the caster exits their Dream Library.
Effect Casting Time
It takes around four months for a person to learn the incantation by heart, however the spell only takes around five minutes.

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