Christopher Williams Character in Siopra | World Anvil
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Christopher Williams

Christopher Triage Williams

“That’s it. I’m two hundred years old. I must live a little now, or I shall never live a fulfilled life!”
- Christopher
  Christopher is a middle-aged Elf who joined the Pirates of the Farlands during a mid life crisis of sorts. He has never found love, mainly due to the fact that he lived with his parents up to the point where he joined the Pirates of the Farlands.  
“Two hundred years with your son may sound like a pleasant experience, however with Christopher it was a living nightmare. He still seems to think he’s a small child, making us feed him and cloth him ourselves. He is a grown man! I’m so glad he’s made the decision to move on with his life and join these pirate people. Perhaps some time at sea will give him the opportunity to make some sensible life choices.”
- Christopher’s father

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Christopher, unlike the typical slender elven figure, has a large developed “beer belly”. He can’t move very fast without becoming breathless after a few minutes, sometimes not even reaching the minute mark. In short, he’s not very fit. At all.

Facial Features

Christopher sports an extremely overgrown and badly groomed beard, with an extremely greasy face from lack of personal hygiene.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

When Christopher was born, his family loved and cherished him, as any family would with their children. This was their downfall. Christopher wanted to be spoiled by his family as they did when he was a child so much that he stayed with them until he was over two hundred years old; a long time for parents to spend looking after there child.   Christopher decided (after some considerable nudging by his parents) that he wanted to move on with his life and join the Pirates of the Farlands. Little did he know that they would not be the best people to ensure that he doesn’t do anything reckless. Oh well! He’ll find out someday.


Christopher has never been employed, however if he is ever asked he will claim that he was a “self-employed life coach”.

Personality Characteristics


Christopher’s motivations are very morally questionable and include: Food, alcohol, food, and things that he doesn’t have to pay for.
Circumstances of Birth
Christopher was his family’s first child and was one hundred percent planned, so his parents say.
Dark grey, round.
Light brown, long.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white, freckled.
Aligned Organization

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