The Tretima Tradition / Ritual in Setareh | World Anvil
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The Tretima

The Tretima (or Three Holidays/Feasts) are a set of three holidays celebrated by Trepoli throughout the year. Each holiday is celebrated at the beginning of one of the three recognized seasons (Spring, Summer, or Fall) and honors one of the head gods of the Trepolbum pantheon.



The holiday celebrating Iubi is held on the first day of spring. As the god associated with lightning and storms, the holiday is used as a time to pray for favorable rains to help the plants grow. The celebration is held over three days, though the first day is not so much celebrating as it is planting crops and praying. While each family typically cares for their own plot of land, during this day all the families in a village cooperate to get the most planting done before the feast day. Families who do not have access to a plot of land will usually grow a few small houseplants for symbolism purposes.   When the second day comes, it is time for the feast. At sunset on the feast day, the chief of the village and some priests of Ibui travel around the village to sprinkle specially-blessed water on all the freshly planted fields. As the group passes by each house, the family that lives there will come out and join the procession, until all the families have joined and everyone meets up in the town square. The rest of the night is spent watching parades, eating the last of the food from the fall, which has usually been preserved in some manner. Needless to say, lots of alcohol is usually involved, especially after the sun rises and the younger children are shooed off to bed.   The feast is also a time to celebrate new beginnings, and it is traditional for unmarried celebrants to propose, and for married and unmarried celebrants alike to attempt to conceive (usually after the feast has started to close down).     The final day is a day of rest, to clean up and recover from hangovers.    




The holiday celebrating Rhoba is held on the first day of Fall. As the goddess in charge of snow, ice, and wind, most of the prayers amount to saying “please let us finish harvesting before you start killing all the plants with your ice powers.” It doesn’t help that Rhoba is known for being fickle and somewhat immature.

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