Psychics in Setareh | World Anvil
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Psychics, also known as Sorcerers, Mages, and Enchanted Ones, are the largest subgroup of Ethites. They are Ethites who are naturally gifted their powers, whether they are born with them or gain them as they grow up.   Psychics are very flexible in the ways they use their powers. To help categorize the ways in which these powers can be used, groups of related powers are grouped into broad "paths". Within the Psychic community, most have an inclination towards one particular path, though they can theoretically use powers from any path, given enough effort.  


Yeah, even though my family had a lot of psychics, I went so long without doing anything they thought I was a lost cause. Then one day while I'm practicing harp, I get real into it and suddenly I realize I'm lifting off the ground! Spooked my instructor real good, I can tell you that.
  Bards are the most flexible of Psychics, able to use almost any lower level power, with one condition: they must make some form of music while doing so (this can include playing an instrument, singing, or simply stomping out a rhythm). This makes them the only Psychic who might use a focus.  


Espers, also known as Occultists, focus on mental powers, that involve the gathering of information, such as Telepathy, Psychometry, and Paranormal Communication.  


Kinetics, or Mentalists, focus on powers that involve movement. This includes moving themselves as well as other objects. Powers in this path include Portal-Jumping and Telekinesis.  


Stormbringers, also known as Elementals, focus primarily on offensive elemental spells, channeling energy in the form of fire, ice, or lighting.  


Vitas are the least common psychic path. They focus almost exclusively on powers concerning the body of other creatures, such as Healing and Body Augmentation. Those who have natural Vita talent are very rare, and the powers this path focuses on are legendarily draining for the user.

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