Planetary Classification in Setareh | World Anvil
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Planetary Classification

Planetary Classifications are used by space-faring civilizations to summarize a planet's overall conditions and habitability for certain species. These classifications come in two forms: Size classifications and Environmental Classifications. 


Size Classifications:

Classifications are based on the planet's radius at the equator.   Class 1: Radius > 70,000 miles   Class 2: Radius of 52576 - 70,000 miles   Class 3: Radius of 35151 - 52575 miles   Class 4: Radius of 17726 - 35150 miles   Class 5: Radius of 301 - 17725 miles   Class 6: Radius < 300 miles  

Environmental Classifications:

S class: Dry planets, with less than 5% of the surface covered in water.   A class: “Balanced” planets, in temperatures between F class and C class, with enough water so as not to be a P class but not enough to be W class.   W class: Ocean planets, where more than 90% percent of the surface is covered with water or some other solvent   G class: Gaseous planets, usually gas giants.   F planets: Molten planets, with average temperatures greater then 2400 degrees F.   C planets: Frozen planets, with average temperatures less then 32 degrees F.   B planets: Planets with adverse conditions that are otherwise habitable (adverse conditions include perpetual storms, frequent volcanic activity, or occasional glass raining from the sky).

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