Shams Desert Geographic Location in Schia | World Anvil
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Shams Desert

Written for WA Summer Camp 2021 - Prompt 11
Location: Describe an inhospitable region or geographical landmark.
  Known to the Ram as the Sun's domain, this desertic region is but a demonstration of the future of those who perish.   As far as inhospitable regions go, this desert is more hostile to humans in general and to any beings that depend on regular frequent intake of liquids.   Despite the difficult circumstances, some of the [Ram] established themselves in the desert to prove their value to the Moon as great warriors against the sun. They usually are found near the rocky part of the desert among mesas and canyons.   The animals and creatures found here are usually fire elementals. Most common are lizards, scorpions, snakes and soma cats.


The largest known hot desert, the Shams Desert is bordered by the sea and a subtropical forest on one side, and by plains and other forests on the other. Among the large expanse of sand dunes, it is possible to find the occasional mountain range, rocky formations like mesas and canyons and a few oases. An underground tunnel system is accessible through some caves scatered around the desert.

Fauna & Flora

Structure to adapt to a more limited supply of water and to be more tolerant to salt, the plants and animal life in this desert have evolved enough to gain magical like aspects. One can find wind and fire elemental species with more ease than in any other region.


Foreign explorers like to brave the scalding temperatures in search of non-explored mines and to hunt for material from the rare species found only in this desert. The Ram only venture the desert when they deem necessary, or to prove themselves before the Moon.   It is also common for tourists to gather around Rukbat, beside the Labyrinth, and Arkab, beside the sea, for trade and to experience the Eclipse Festivals.
Alternative Name(s)
The Sun's domain
Inhabiting Species

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