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The Lyndale Berry Festival

In the tiny town of Lyndale, in the middle of the 3 port cities on the Desmond Sea, a festival is held on the 1st day of the 7th month. The festival is a celebration of the beginning of berry season in the region, which is known for it's incredible and colorful berries. It lasts the whole week but most of the festivities occur on the first day.   It isn't a very formal event with strict rules or rituals, but a fun gathering to celebrate and eat. The town and nearby farmland usually gets packed with tents and small encampments  but most farmers and locals don't mind because they spend lots of money and eat lots of berries while they are there. The town is actually quite economically dependent on the festival and the money the visitors spend. Almost all of the jobs are tied into or rely on the visitors coming and eating/spending lots, particularly people from far away who spend the most and stay the longest.    All over the city, people are seen eating orangeberries, the first berries ready for picking, and maybe red or blue berries if they are ready in time. The berries are also put in pies, cobblers, salads, beer, and just about any other dish or drink you can think of.


The festival began over a thousand years ago and has remained very similar to its origins. It was originally held near the Southernmost of the three cities, Takona, but was moved into Lyndale after the berry fields were replaced with the homes and factories of the spreading metropolis. Lyndale was chosen because of its small size and central location and has remained there since.


Tens of thousands will come to the festival from the nearby cities and some will even come from all over the world to see the incredible festival. Most will come for only the first day but some will stay for the whole week or will come by later in the week when it is much quieter.    Local politicians will come to the event and have booths in the city or will take part in the parade to increase name recognition and some will even give speeches during the event.

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