Hoard Settlement in Rhina | World Anvil
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The towering walls of Horde are a strange mixture of crumbling brick and sand burnt to glass. Outside the walls, any hint of wind can whip up sand, but inside the walls, hoods come down and many awnings help hold back the omnipresent sun. Where the sun manages to slip past the awnings it catches jewels and metals embedded into everyday objects making it impossible to overlook the ostentatious wealth of the city. Under the awnings, many artists continue to work with the metals and jewels, while others sell crops, meats, and other necessities. Despite the inhospitable travel needed to visit the city, foreigners are nearly as common as locals. Located in the middle of Dae, the city has always been a crucial leg of international travel across the continent. Many foreigner are accompanied by native guides. Everywhere there is iconography of the ruler, glistening blue swirls that twist into an elegant dragon. Past the rows of vendors, two huge statues stand side by side, one a man the other the same blue dragon. They guard a large oasis, lined by trees, frequented by people and animals, and the source of all city life. Beyond it, a massive palace looms, and after a first glimpse, it is hard not to see it from every part of the city. Even after a few hundred years, the renovation is not complete. In places blue and gold blindingly catch the sun, but in others it is the same clay and glass of the walls and other buildings.



First known as Kumajaba, the exact date of settlement is unknown. Most likely, the natural oasis hidden away in Ar Malaha drew in the nomadic people who still travel the desert. The discovery of the oasis created a respite point through the desert, but the secret was closely guarded. As the city developed, the business-minded settlers saw an opportunity to set up the city as a hub of trade. Guides led hopeful traders through the desert to Kumajaba where they could buy and sell exotic goods. As word traveled, so did the people, coming from further and further away, bringing in more exotic goods, and then drawing in more trades. Sea travel was difficult and long, and with a good guide, or proper preperation, Ar Malaha was simply unpleasant.

In 939YoM, Kornarak assassinated King Shakir. The chromatic dragon is a polarizing ruler. Many fear his ego-driven draconic personality, while others are pleased to have such a powerful creature protecting their country. There is no arguing that his hoarding of wealth has created a uniquely gorgeous city, but many speak of fear against his next outburst of lightening in the same breath. The presence of the dragon is also of great concern to other countries, wondering if world domination is in his plans. Foreigners gawk at his presence and plan their infamous rise to fame via assassination in seemingly equal numbers.  



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