The Moon market Tradition / Ritual in Ravnica City of guilds | World Anvil
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The Moon market

At Every Fifth Full moon the moon market convinces to peddle Ravnicas most forbidden wares
The Moon market is an illegal market in Ravnica. It is always held in a different location and is organized by criminal organizations, with Ties to the Dimir at the root of the festival.  

Finding the Market

The Number one goal of the market is to stay hidden from the Azorious and the above-ground guilds. If a person shows interest in going to the market and can find a contact, they must first pay 1000gp and submit to a tattoo on the back of the neck. A powerful version of the modify memory spell is etched that will strip them of the knowledge of the whole instruction from the person's mind. This tattoo will protect itself from tampering and wipe the person's mind clean if altered. This can be restored by a greater restoration spell. Then on the night of the Market, the glyph is burnt away revealing the location and instructions to the participant.


Anything that is illegal to sell on the streets of Ravnica, can be found in the market. There is a strong bias towards cursed magic items and particular mind-altering drugs.   Other things found can be insignias of other guilds, fake documents, or entire identities crafted, for a price.   Finally, it is very common for underground guilds to use this market as a parley of sorts, meeting when appropriate to discuss joint operations in the safety of the night.
Every Fifth moon Location
Varies Organiser
House Dimir

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