Emnia's Gauntlets Myth in Plavithen | World Anvil
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Emnia's Gauntlets


The legends of Emnia's Gauntlets follows the great warrior Emnia as she dons a pair of magical gauntlets given to her by a powerful being from within the earth and then goes on to slay the great dragon Korganak with them.   The story begins with Emnia going on a quest for weapons to fight against Korganak, who is holding her community hostage. Local wizards try to fight the dragon, but find themselves powerless against his magic-nullifying breath. In a mysterious cave, she find a lot of strange glowing runes on metal shapes of various sizes and speaks to a powerful, disembodied being who forms the gauntlets out of thin air before her eyes and gives them to her. The gauntlets allow her to create a magical sword and shield out of pure light to slay the dragon with. Emnia confronts the dragon, find the magic of her newfound weapons to be unaffected by the dragon's breath and slays the creature, saving her community.   The legend has several interesting aspects to it. The being that gives the gauntlets to her is incredibly powerful and is never seen directly, but is explicitly not a god, the gauntlets are formed in the air in front of her, and Korganak could nullify magic with his breath, but the gauntlets were undeterred by this. These aspects are fairly unique to Emnia's tale.   Perhaps the strangest thing about the tale, though is the complete lack of consensus as to where it happened. Emnia's story is told in a truly dizzying number of places across Plavithen, and the names do not change.

Historical Basis

Emnia actually existed, as did Korganak. The being that helped her was a First-World AI with access to a nanofactory. While none of this would be particularly common in the current age of Plavithen, Emnia's story is ancient, predating even the technomagical era known as the Great Age of Plavithen. During the time when Emnia lived, the vaults and relics of the first world were even more sealed off than they currently are, and help from an AI would be truly extraordinary.   Emnia's gauntlets were real, but if they still exist, nobody has even the faintest idea where they could be found.

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