Pumpkin Festival Tradition / Ritual in Orya | World Anvil
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Pumpkin Festival

The Pumpkin Festival is a week-long special event that happens once a year in the land of the Pump-kin. It is a legendary festival that is said to have the best food in all of the world, and be of much delight to anyone who is lucky enough to partake in it.   The Pumpkin Festival takes place every year and is held in dedication to the life given to the Pump-kin, and is celebrated by every Pump-kin around the globe, even if they aren't in their homeland. In the festival grounds where the main festival is held, there is a lot of pumpkin decor and Halloween themed parties. A giant pumpkin grows in the middle of the festival grounds and is carved every year in symbology of the birth of the Pump-kin.   Food, of course, is the main focus of the Pumpkin Festival, and much of it is prepared. Food is prepared often times weeks in advance, with every Pump-kin invited to take part in the grand feast around the giant pumpkin. There are many dishes prepared, ranging from common cuisine found in other parts of the world, to the very famous Pump-kin dish of toasted Salazimi - a special dish that is prepared very rarely due to its rare ingredients, but is guaranteed to satisfy the taste buds of anyone who eats it and bless them with a magical happiness that lasts for days afterwards. The feasting is the majority of the festival, often lasting for upwards of 8 or 9 hours on the days of the festival. Many of the people outside of the Pump-kin that partake in the festival bring their own foods to the feast, and if they do so they are given a special token that is a symbol of their kindness and hospitality.

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