Gurun Settlement in Orivia | World Anvil
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Gurun is a small town in possibly the most dangerous place on the continent. Being in the center of the great forest means that it is always in a predator's sightlines. There they use the flesh of an ancient black dragon to scare of any predators, even with that, traveling there during the night is still ill-advised. It is much safer to go there in the daytime, while the predators sleep.
The town itself has a 3m high log wall that continues overhead in a thick metal cage surrounding it and the houses are close to being called bunkers, but the town is necessary, to collect rare medicinal herbs that are nowhere else on the continent. Besides that the Town exports massas of highest quality wood, in a hopes to make a clearing, strangely it seems that trees grow back to fast in this place is the woods.


It has a thick log wall surrounding it with a metal domed cage on top. On the E and W sides, there are 2 large gates. On the inside, there are bunker-like houses that are nearly as thick as the walls themselves. All Residence are highly trained and capable fighters

Industry & Trade

It is a famous trade partner for high quality wood, used all around the Dark Lands


When the forest was originally found an idea was made, to start clearing out a path from both sides so that it would be possible to quickly travel through the continent. It was made aware, that in one day's time an adventurer could make it only halfway, if in a rush, so it was decided to make a camp in the center of the path. 35 people raced to get to the campsite as quickly as possible and with the daylight they had left they, worked nonstop, fearing that if they cannot make the house in the time that monsters would make themselves known and that it would be their last night. At moonrise, the hut was finished and everyone scrambled to get inside... The noises that came from outside were of Alpha creatures fighting and tearing each other to shreds, a few men feinted, just imagining what was happening outside. the next day they rushed out, and the day after they rushed to begin a wall, and so it continued. Until one day an exiled adventurer arrived at the camp outside the forest and shared a way to protect against predators, by using the flesh of an Alpha above Alphas, the flesh of an elder dragon, a black elder dragon, which when set up at least scared the smaller ones away.


There is none.
Alternative Name(s)
The monster keem

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