Báisaisling Foraois Geographic Location in Olutanri | World Anvil
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Báisaisling Foraois

The Forest of Dying Dreams

The region north of Litenåsby is colloquially known amoungst the Halfling as Báisaisling Foraois - the Forest of Dying Dreams.   Originally a source of prosperity for all their needs, the forest now stands as an ominous death sentence. Most Halfling that do venture into Báisaisling Foraois are lifelong slaves working out of the various Barnema Trade Company logging camps to fuel the timber industry. Leaving their families and lives behind for chains and Lumberhegs, hopes and dreams for a happy and wholesome life are best left at the forest's edge.


There are three classifications of region within Báisaisling Foraois:  

  1. Sparse Taiga (High Boreal): Few wide-spaced trees with stunted forms admist near barren, lichen-covered ground. The coldest, barren, and remote areas of the forest. Sometimes corresponds to areas of higher elevation. Only those seeking glory or true isolation inhabit this area.
  2. Closed Canopy (Middle Boreal) Forest: Many close-spaced evergreen trees with moss-laden groundcover punctuated with clearings containing shrubs and wild flowers. Traversable only in the summer months without travel aides for ice and snow. Rivers and lakes freeze solid in this region early in winter. Those seeking to escape general civilization may try to carve out a livable space in this region.
  3. Closed Canopy & Deciduous (Low Boreal) Forest: Many close-spaced evergreen trees intermixed with temperate deciduous trees and numerous berry varietals. Likely the forest bordering civiliation within Seclora. Readily accessible for timber and game but don't venture too far without proper skills and supplies.


Due to generally low temperatures and precipitation, biodiversity within taiga (boreal forest) is relatively low. Biodiversity increases with higher average temperatures and precipitation inline with a general southward trend toward the settled areas of Seclora.  

  • Trees : Spruce, Pine, Fir, Larch; Birch, Alder, Willow, Poplar; Oak, Maple, Elm
  • Small Plants: Lichen, Moss, Ferns; Berries
  • Mammals: Moose, Deer, Caribou, Elk, Bison, Beaver, Squirrel, Porcupine, Vole, Hares, Bears, Lynx, Weasel, Otter, Mink, Wolverine, Badger, Wolf, Coyote, Fox
  • Reptiles & Amphibians: Snakes (garter & adder), salamanders, frogs, toads
  • Birds : Thrush, Sparrow, Warbler, Eagle, Buzzard, Raven, Hawk, Grouse, Crossbill, Loon, Crane, Sandpiper, Gull, Owl, Woodpecker, Duck
  • Fish: Pike, Walleye, Sucker, Whitefish, Lamprey, Trout, Salmon
  • Insects: Beetle, Mosquito, Horsefly, Wasp, Aphids, Caterpiller, Mite, Weevil, Tick, Ant

Table of Contents


Boreal forest (taiga) is not readily habitable without proper preparation, especially as one navigates from the low boreal into high boreal areas.

  • Temperature: -20°C to 20°C
  • Precipitation: 200 - 750 mm per year
  • Soil Conditions: Low in nutrients

Forest, Boreal (Coniferous)
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Jun 10, 2022 09:11 by Sailing Ocelot

Oh dear, what happened to the forest to make it like this? What a dark and depressing place! I like how you list the sub-types in the forest and the flora and fauna. It makes it very easy to follow and read.

~~~~~~~~ SailingOcelot